Matt Rinn - State Farm Insurance
Matt Rinn - State Farm Insurance
For today’s #MemberMonday, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Matt Rinn of #MyAgentMatt, the local #StateFarmAgent. Matt took over the agency in December of 2008 after the previous State Farm agent retired. At that time, Matt really didn’t know much about Pleasant Hill as he was living in Dublin. After commuting for two years he decided to come to #PleasantHill to raise his family. He loves Pleasant Hill and has never looked back.
When I asked Matt about his reason for purchasing a #StateFarmAgency, he didn’t hesitate, and he had a great story to share. After his first daughter was born, he felt such a strong sense of responsibility to take care of her and his family. Matt then reached out to his State Farm Agent to make sure he had adequate #LifeInsurance to protect his family in the event he could not work. It was his agent who encouraged him to look into his own agency and after careful research he made the leap. He has never regretted his decision and he finds satisfaction in helping others prepare for the unexpected. Whether you suffer a loss from a car accident, a flood or fire in your home, or should you become disabled or ill and cannot work, he is there to make sure you have the proper coverage in place. Matt can help you with many types of policies to protect your assets such as #Auto, #Home, #Life, #Business, #Renters, #Umbrella, #Disability, #PersonalArticles. Give him a call at 925-671-0222 or email him at
Prior to working as a #StateFarmAgent, Matt spent 16 years with #InAndOutBurger. It was his employment with them that brought him to #NorthernCalifornia. He grew up in Arcadia as the middle child of two brothers. In-and-Out Burger had him moving slowly up north to continue opening new stores along the way. It was at In-and-Out that he met his wife, Ashley, who also worked there as a trainer. Matt and Ashely are happy to be settled here in Pleasant Hill with their two daughters. Matt loves to be a soccer coach and referee for his daughter’s teams.
Matt is very involved in the #PleasantHillCommunity and wears many hats. He is currently one of the #CityCouncilMembers and the #ViceMayor and takes his role in our #LocaGovernment very seriously. He is a member of the local #RotaryInternational, sits on the #YMCA board and he loves to be known for his #selfies.
If Matt could go anywhere, he would book a trip to #Scotland to see all the old castles from the #Medieval times. His first concert was #MilliVanilli and #YoungMC. He loves all foods and considers himself a #Foodie. He loves a good #Frenchdip anytime.
When I asked why he joined the #Chamber and how it has helped him and his business, he got really excited in his response to me. He said that when he was new to his #agency and to #PleasantHill he reached out to the #PleasantHillChamberofCommerce to see how he could get involved. He joined and quickly became immersed in the Chamber by joining the #Ambassador program. He later became the Chair of the Ambassadors and then went on to serve on the #BoardofDirectors and eventually was the #ChairoftheBoard. He said the #PHChamber has been an instrumental part of building his business to where it is today. Matt recalls being shy and not having much experience in the #sales industry. Being a part of the #Ambassador program was a huge help to him finding his place in the community. He learned how to #network and learned to walk into a room with confidence. Matt also mentioned that if anyone is ever on the fence about joining the Chamber to give him a call and he can tell you why it’s the best place to grow your business and be a part of the community.
Thanks Matt for taking the time to sit down and share your story. Thanks for all you do for our community!