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Pleasant Hill Chamber of Commerce Member Survey

What Industry/Industries best describe your business? (Check all that apply)
How long have you been been in business?
How many full-time employees does your company have?
How many part-time employees does your company have?
In the past year have you attended any Chamber functions?
If yes, which ones? (Check all that apply)
Which of the following Chamber activities or services would you be interested in learning more about? (Check all that apply)
If you do not participate in Chamber functions, please indicate why. (Check all that apply)
What is the best time of day for you to attend events/workshops?
What are the top issues facing your business today? *
What are the resources in your community that you turn to help you meet the challenges you face as a business person? (Check all that apply)
What is your preferred method of receiving communications from the Chamber? (Check all that apply)
Which of the following features on the Chamber website do you utilize? (Check all that apply)
What do you like about our weekly e-blast? (Check all that apply)
Which of the following initiatives do you feel the Chamber is doing effectively? (Check all that apply)
Overall, how would you rate the performance of the Pleasant Hill Chamber of Commerce?
On a scale from 1-10, how likely is it that you would recommend the Pleasant Hill Chamber of Commerce to another business or friend?
May we contact you in the future regarding the results of this survey?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. This survey will help us better understand your business needs, so we can better support you and your efforts to thrive in this wonderful community.